October Harvest

Does Patriotism still matter Today?

Patriotism is a strange topic to talk about.  Many ways to show patriotism are possible.  For an eighth grader, that might be a little harder.  Personally, I think that the “Pledge of Allegiance” is a little bit like brainwashing, to have the kids recite that every day. I think that the US doesn’t want any more enemies so they have the kids pledge allegiance to the country.  Patriotism is still alive today and many people still have it.                                               

Does patriotism still matter today?  Yes, patriotism is very important, for Americans. If we didn’t have patriotism today, we wouldn’t care for our country.  The United States would not have a large Armed Forces like we do now, to protect our country.  No one is forcing those honorable men and women to fight for our country. Patriotism is important in many people’s everyday lives.                                                         
There are many opportunities to be patriotic even without going overseas.  The National Guard for example, helps out with forest fires and protects our country.  Police men and women fight crime on the streets every day.  Firefighters put their lives on the line every day to stop fires in houses and dangerous forest fires where they can get trapped in-between two major fires.  Other law enforcement groups put a lot on the line so we can live our normal, or in some cases semi-normal lives.           

You don’t have to join a potentially life-threatening group just to be a patriot.  Normal, or semi-normal people, can be a patriot in everyday life.  As a teenage boy, I am a Boy Scout, which is patriotic; Michael, a friend of mine, is in Civil Air Patrol, which is like The National Guard for air.  As an adult you can make donations to our troops overseas.  My troop is selling popcorn.We have some popcorn that you can order to be sent to our troops overseas, and send them the taste of home.                   

So does patriotism still matter today? Yes, it very much does.  Although it might not seem that way, as a normal citizen you can do many things to support your amazing country.